It certainly is no secret that taking a ride on a boat can be a life changing experience. Just talk to Noah, Cary Grant & Deborah Kerr, or the Unsinkable Molly Brown. Love blooms on boats. Love of life and of creation, love of adventure and many scrumptious desserts (as many as you can eat!)
My hope or prayer, really, is that my mother would be able to experience life for awhile in the floating comfort of a southbound vessel. To state the obvious, I would not be here if it weren't for my mother. She is AMAZING, to say the least. A true example of what it means to be a woman of God.
My mothers father spotted my 14 year grandmother walking down the street one day and decided right then and there that he would marry her. And he did, and they started their family right away. My grandma was a young 16 when she had her first child while her husband was away at war. They ended up with 5 children and my mother was their last. She was only 8 when her dad died of cancer. At the age of 16 my mother fixed her mom up on a date with a man from their church and that is the man that I call Grandpa today.
My mom met my dad while in high school and invited him to church with her. She of course had a HUGE crush on one of his friends, all the while my dad was dating my mom's best friend. But God knew better. He worked his magic and after a number of years of my bag boy dad walking my mom and her little bag of gum out to her car, love bloomed. And then the good Lord blessed my parents with three BEAUTIFUL girls ;o) One day my dad sat down with my mom and told her that he felt the Lord calling him into the ministry. She smiled and told him that he was quite mistaken, but it didn't take long before the Lord called her too.
My parents have been very happily married for 35 years and serving the Lord together in the ministry for 24. Six years ago my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. After a total of 3 surgeries, many prayers, months of chemo and trusting God - she was better.
My mother is the best example I could ever give of what it means to be HOME. She is warm and inviting. She an amazing listener. She is accepting and giving, quiet yet strong. She is everything it takes to be the very best mother. She was born to be a mom.
About 4 years ago I met and fell in love with the man of my dreams. He was my one true love. He got sick. Cancer. He went to be with Jesus just three months after our wedding. I needed my mom. She was there everyday and still is. Whenever I need her. I would not have survived without her. She watches my niece and nephew so my sister and her husband can both work. She opens her home to whomever needs it, whenever they need it.
Two weeks ago we got the results . . . Cancer. Again. I don't understand. Why God? Why my mother? I don't know of anyone else on this earth that deserves this less.
I want for my mom to go on your cruise with you. I want her to be surrounded by hope and inspiration. To be engulfed in God's beautiful creation while she is pampered to pieces on that big boat.
And now a haiku to convince you of the truth . . .
oh to see the sea
Gods creation shows His love
sunshine, sand & stars
sunshine, sand & stars
-so a discussion has ensued about what makes a haiku a haiku, and I have to admit that I think I am right and others are wrong when they say it is suppose to be 5 lines long, or 3 lines of 5 words 7 words 5 words-
I am confident in my ability to haiku!
I'll pray for you and your mom. I know how difficult and frustrating it can be to watch a loved one go through cancer. My father died of prostrate cancer last year. Needless to say, it was one of toughest experiences I have ever had to go through. But please don't despair and know that no matter what God is in control.
Oh Janeen... I have tears streaming down my face. This was a beautiful post about your mother and about love. I am praying for your mom, for you, and for your family.
I recently helped my mom and dad set up a blog of their own. You can check it out at
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