Just Me

My photo
Tacoma - you know - TTown, Washington.PacificNorthwest.America, United States
Recently 30! HomeOwner. StepMom of 2. Auntie to many, augie to 1.

Beautiful Ben

Beautiful Ben
Big Ben and the House of Parliament


I am ............. TV.

I don't have cable and so I don't get live television. I do however love to watch TV on DVD. I have an old old TV set, that is my faithful companion. I am very "well-watched" on most all 'regular' TV series from at least this decade. I recently stumbled upon a website buddytv.com. I took the quizzes.

I am Stanley Richmond

I am Rory Gilmore

I am Michael Scoffield

I am Peter Petrelli

I am John Locke

I am Barney

I am Haley James Scott

I am Clark Kent

Jim Halbert is my TV Boyfriend

My 'Bachelor' of choice is Bob Guiney

I love to watch TV on DVD. What are some of your favorite shows?


I've got RATS!

I sit in the living room and I hear noises. I lay in my bed and I hear noises. I brush my teeth in the bathroom and I hear noises. At first it was just in the living room coming from the fireplace. I thought that maybe I had a nice family of birds living in my chimney. Because the noise sometimes sounded 'like a chorus of little birdies'. Actually it was more like a fluttering. Then I thought -maybe it's bats- as the noise started to get a little scarier. But still I could live with that. I mean, what goes down must come up right? As the weeks go by the noises are really starting to freak me out. I am hearing them more and in more places of my home. Now I am certain I know the truth. I've got RATS. I hope they are cute like the one pictured here. I hope they are nice. I mean if I ever meet them face to face I hope we can be civil to one another, after all we are living under the same roof. It all comes down to this though. I really would rather not share my home with this form of rodent. To be completely honest I'd rather not share my home at all! I like having it all to myself. Pet free, animal free, rodent free. I need help! Any ideas at all about how I can get these guys to leave without actually looking into there beady little eyes and telling them straight up to get the hell out of my house. What do you think? Can it be done?


Gotta Dance!

I love Musicals! They are so fun to watch and listen too. It has
been a lot of fun starting to watch the old musicals with the new kids. All our kids seem to really like the music. Ro is taking a little time getting used to the whole singing thing, but listening to him sing the VeggieTales theme song is definately on the list of MUST hear things of 2008!

Because I like playing games on my blog I want to play Name that Musical. Below I will list a couple lines from different musicals. See if you can figure them out.

1. 'He's a what, he's a what?'

2. '. . . though you may wear the best . . .'

3. 'and they were sobbin', sobbin', sobbin''

4. '. . . confering with the flowers'

5. 'the final threshold'


I was robbed!

You've heard it time and time again. A fool singing along to the radio, and the guy has absolutely no idea what he is even singing. It's funny. We've all done it - thought we knew the words, or just wanted to sing along so badly that we just sang whatever we thought sounded close enough. Certainly this is good enough topic to bring up.

Here are a few from my life . . .

"At least those girls are hip ..." - "Well East coast girls are hip"
"I wish they'd stay off the streets ..." - "I wish they all could be"
"Kanagroo Love" - "You can't hurry love"
"I was robbed, and I just can't live without it" - "I was wrong, and I just can't live without you"

What have you heard?


WWJJD,D! {what would Janeen Jones do, dude}

How much chuck could a woodchuck chuck, if a wood chuck could chuck shoes!

Would you rather? Lets play . . .
Would you rather be addicted to buying shoes or hummals?

And I answer - SHOES, of course. They are much cheaper than hummels and you can use them a lot more. You can stand on them without breaking them and you can throw them at the wall if you want.

Now you try - Answer and then ask.