Just Me

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Tacoma - you know - TTown, Washington.PacificNorthwest.America, United States
Recently 30! HomeOwner. StepMom of 2. Auntie to many, augie to 1.

Beautiful Ben

Beautiful Ben
Big Ben and the House of Parliament


I was robbed!

You've heard it time and time again. A fool singing along to the radio, and the guy has absolutely no idea what he is even singing. It's funny. We've all done it - thought we knew the words, or just wanted to sing along so badly that we just sang whatever we thought sounded close enough. Certainly this is good enough topic to bring up.

Here are a few from my life . . .

"At least those girls are hip ..." - "Well East coast girls are hip"
"I wish they'd stay off the streets ..." - "I wish they all could be"
"Kanagroo Love" - "You can't hurry love"
"I was robbed, and I just can't live without it" - "I was wrong, and I just can't live without you"

What have you heard?


Anonymous said...

That's really funny that you should post about this. Heather and I were just talking about this very thing the other day while unpacking boxes. At the moment my mind is totally blank on what song and what lyrics we'd messed up. I can't remember any right now but I know that there are quite a few. Great, no I'm gonna lose sleep over it until I figure it out!

Kimberly said...

Go up, go out to the roof! --- Go up the ladder to the roof!

JTJones said...

She's a bitch, ouw! - She's a Brick House

JTJones said...

Hey little girls with the caster burn. - from Hairspray 'Ladies Choice' - It always reminds me of the movie Face Off when I hear it.

Kimberly said...

anah has been walking around the house singing - burn baby burn, i just wanta find ya, burn baby burn! Ha, ha, ha! it cracks me up everytime I hear it!

JTJones said...

Martin thinks that the song goes
"people all over the world - join in"
I believe it to be join hands!

Kimberly said...

I thought it was JOIN HANDS as well. What does that lyrics website say?

JTJones said...

Brook Jones sings - Celebration time, come on!

And all this time I thought it was 'Celebrate good times, come on!'